Thursday 9 June 2016

What Are the Benefits of Foil Insulation?

Things like recycling and carpooling are both important aspects of the latest "going green" trend. But what about doing something on a larger scale? What about making great changes that will achieve greater rewards, both for your wallet and the earth? As people build new homes and industrial buildings or even as they begin to remodel and update existing structures, they're looking for ways to improve efficiency and cost, as well as "greenness."
One of the most important ways to do that is by using foil insulation. Fiberglass insulation has dominated the market for years and years, but reflective foil bubble insulation is becoming a strong competitor. The benefits of foil insulation vastly outweigh those of traditional methods of insulation, and people are making the switch.
Reflective foil bubble insulation works differently and more efficiently than traditional forms of insulation. Rather than using thickness and density to block heat transfer, foil bubble insulation uses its reflective color as a way to block the heat from invading your cool space.
In addition, it is all around safer and easier to use than any form of traditional fiberglass insulation. It's stronger, yet lighter and it's much cleaner and easier to install. Reflective foil insulation requires no special clothing or protective gear to install and poses no risk to a person's lungs, skin or eyes, the way traditional insulation may.
Reflective foil insulation is proven to reflect 97% all of all radiant heat that reaches a structure, meaning that it will prevent that heat from penetrating its barrier and either entering or leaving the home. The primary advantage to reflective foil insulation over traditional styles is that it is made to reflect heat rather than simple resist it. This is a far more efficient and effective way to prevent heat gain or loss within a home or building.

In a simple pro and con test, it's obvious that reflective foil insulation is the best choice for insulating homes and buildings. The benefits are endless and the risks are few and there is no reason not to make the switch. For this reason, people all over the world are using foil bubble insulation and reaping the financial and economical rewards.

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