Monday 16 May 2016

Easy and Cost Efficient Attic Insulation for Better Energy Efficiency

I am glad to write on a topic that interests me a lot. People do not understand the importance of attic insulation and my following post is sure going to be an eye-opener. If you are planning to insulate the home, do not ignore the attic roof insulation. Insulating the roof is a silent savings bank which helps to maintain the coolness of the home during summers and reduce the energy bills. Every penny saved on the energy bills adds up to become a good saving amount.
Why insulate your attic?
Attic insulation was never on the to-do list of the homeowners. The attic was considered to be a place to dump unwanted things. But, today lot of that has changed as people have understood the significance of attic insulation. To keep your home cool in summer and warm in winters, home insulation is essential. But, if you are not ready to plunge into a heavy investment of complete home insulation then least you can do is the attic insulation.
It is true and I know by my experience that attic insulation is the cheapest upgrade of your home insulation and can work wonders on your energy bills. Next time you sweat out seeing your energy bills then make sure that attics are insulated. Insulation of attic acts like a woollen coat for your building and keeps the interiors warm and comfortable during winters. However, you must look into certain aspects to make attic insulation effective.
Attic insulation improves air quality

The attic is prone to a lot of allergens as they tend to be dirty and dingy. If they are not sealed and insulated then there are chances of the air flowing from the attic to the living space and causing bad odour and temperature variations. Another problem with attic is the issue of infestation of rodents and other pests. Only proper insulation of the attic helps in keeping the rodents at bay. You can also help in maintaining a clean and healthy ambience inside the home.

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