Tuesday 29 September 2015

Introducing the Radiant Barrier Foil

It’s been a while since the Radiant Barriers have been introduced, but it wasn’t until recently that roofing contractors and property owners realized their potential and advantages.
How Radiant Barrier Insulation works
There are three ways by which heat is moved around the home’s interior -radiation, conduction and convection.
Radiation is the transfer of heat across space whether something is in its way or not. It is actually responsible for most of the heat movement inside the home. A huge amount of heat that moves inside your home is actually heat that radiates from the sun.
With conduction, heat is moved between two things – pretty much like how a spoon is heated up when it touches a hot food, or when glass gets cold when poured with cold water. A material that has less density has lesser conductive properties.
Convection happens when heat is moved through the air. Think of how hot air moves up to the top of the room or how a turbo broiler cooks food.
You may be wondering why Radiant Barrier Insulation, an aluminum insulation, is superior to regular insulation systems. But how exactly?
Regular insulators don’t really stop the transfer of heat; it merely slows it down. Soon, the heat will move around the home, eventually reaching the attic and the areas below it, including the living spaces.

Radiant Barriers Foil, on the other hand, stops heat transfer by deflecting as much as 97% of the heat that gets in contact with the roof.

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