Saturday 7 February 2015

Fireproof Insulation Can Help The Spread Of A Potential Fire

Almost all insulation products are tested and rated as fireproof. If for some strange reason you find one that is not, stay away from that product. Because insulation is such a big part in any home or building construction, they need to have a fireproof rating.
Fireproof insulation is one of the main things that will help to prevent a fire from spreading through out the rest of your home. In most cases, if the insulation performs the way it is meant to perform, by helping to slow down and even stop the fire before it spreads, then your chances are very good for at least getting out of you home alive, and even by allowing you to extinguish the fire before it becomes a raging inferno.
Many of the older building that were built before the modern advances of current day insulation have been known to have such things as; shredded up newspaper, rock wool or many other different types of materials used for insulating. As you can imagine, these materials would only increase the chances of a fire spreading out of control.
For some older homes and building it is possible to use a type of spray on fireproof insulation. If you’re using it in a commercial building, where the looks are not important, such as in a warehouse, this fireproof spray on insulation can be applied directly over top the internal skeleton of the building. When you have a home or building where the looks are essential, then it would not be a recommended method of insulating or fireproofing. You may need to take the home right down to the studs to apply the proper dosage of fireproof insulation.

Even though it may be more costly to install new fireproof insulation in the beginning, it will pay for itself ten times over in heating and cooling cost savings, as well as increase the safety levels.

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