Monday 8 August 2016

Reflective Insulation Is the Newest In Insulation

Reflective insulation is designed to reflect radiant heat into or out of your house through simple physics. Traditional insulation traps the hot air, preventing it from moving up and through the ceiling into the house. At least until it can't hold anymore air. At that point, the hot air begins to seep through your ceiling making your house warmer.
At the same time, in the winter as the hot air moves up towards the ceiling, that same insulation will eventually let the hot air seep into the attic space, making your house cooler. This can all be solved with properly installed reflective insulation.
Just as its name says, it reflects radiant heat. When installed along the inside of your attic roof, the radiant heat from the sun is reflected back out of the house. This keeps your traditional insulation from absorbing large amounts of heat, which in turn, helps keep your house comfortably cool in the heat of the summer months.
Now the same principal applies when the insulation is installed above your traditional insulation. However, instead of reflecting the heat up and out of the house, it reflects it back into the insulation. Thereby causing your traditional insulation to absorb the heat and send it back into your house, keeping your house toasty warm on those cold winter nights.
No matter what type of climate you live in, reflective insulation is designed for you. Easily and quickly installed, it will save you money on your energy bill. And who doesn't like saving money?

Beyond saving you money, reflective insulation is a simple step in going green. It not only saves energy while being used, it also is greener to produce than traditional insulation, and can be recycled. All of these things combine to make your carbon footprint even smaller, which is a win-win situation.